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Primary Schools

STEM-Based, Curriculum-Aligned,  Fun-Focused Learning

Ignite a passion for science in your classroom with Lab Kids! Our engaging, hands-on science incursions are designed to align with the curriculum while providing students with unforgettable interactive experiences. From mesmerizing experiments to exciting demonstrations, we bring the wonders of science directly to your primary school. Our skilled presenters tailor each session to suit the students' year level, making complex concepts fun and accessible. With Lab Kids, learning is an adventure, sparking curiosity and encouraging the next generation of budding scientists!

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Explore  our Science Experiences...

Our Australian curriculum-aligned experiences for 5-12years 

Show 1

Motion  Madness

Learn all about pushes, pulls & forces, cause & effect, Newtons 3rd Law, and how everything needs energy to move. Various forms of movement are demonstrated with the help of student volunteers. Including drones, flying discs, rockets, cranes, and magnets etc.


Show includes 30 min presentation followed by 25 mins hands on “science toys” to encourage individual tactile learning and problem solving. Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. Optional premium show includes make & take-home activity. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins.  Ages 5yrs+

Show 2

Backyard  Rocket Science

Exploring the wonderful world of air pressure and air movement (high pressure to low pressure). Demonstrations include coke & Mentos experiment, pump water bottle, rocket balloons, giant air cannon (with fog so air movement can be seen), water and air pressure cars, rockets and drones.


Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. Optional premium show includes make & take-home activity. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins. Ages 5yrs+

Show 3

Slime Zone

Discover the intriguing slippery world of slime, non-Newtonian liquids, and the chemical reaction of cross-linking. Various slimes are demonstrated, including the difference between translucent and opaque, magnetic, edible (from sodium alginate) as well as heat reactive and UV light reactive slimes (turns purple when exposed to a UV light and sunlight).


We then demonstrate making slime (the cross-linking process). Students then get to make their very own slime to take home. Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins. (premium show available only) Ages 5yrs+ 

Show 4

Soapy Science

The most fun way to encourage hygiene while learning about states of matter (solid to liquid to solid). Students will want to wash their hands after making their very own high-quality glycerine soap. Heaps of moulds to choose from (Lego men + Lego look bricks, Star Wars, unicorns, dinosaurs, love hearts, stars & lots more).

While the soap is setting, we do some fun experiments with the students while they’re eagerly waiting to see their soap creations. Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins. (premium show available only) Ages 5yrs+

Show 5

Fizzy Science

Exploring the wonderful world of air pressure and air movement (high pressure to low pressure). Demonstrations include coke & Mentos experiment, pump water bottle, rocket balloons, giant air cannon (with fog so air movement can be seen), water and air pressure cars, rockets and drones.


Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. Optional premium show includes make & take-home activity. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins. Ages 5yrs+

Show 6

Light & Sound  Science 

Learning how to think like a scientist-it all starts with a question. Discussion takes place as the fascinating movement of sound waves are explored using a giant slinky, musical instruments and dancing oobleck on a speaker.

Following demonstrations discover how light affects life on the planet and everything we do – colours, sunlight & moonlight. Glass prisms reveal light’s myriad of rainbow colours. Terminology adjusted to year learning level of audience. See Educators page for curriculum info. Shows 55 mins. (premium show available only) Ages 5yrs+

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